CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning¶
Lecture 1 Introduction to NLP and Deep Learning¶
- Representations of NLP levels: Semantics
- Traditional V.S. DL (rules v.s. sophisticated algorithm)
- Applications:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Question Answering system
- Dialogue agents / response generation
Lecture 2 Word Vector Representations: word2vec¶
- "one-hot" representation, localist representation
- distributional similarity based representations
- "You shall know a word by the company it keeps” (J. R. Firth 1957:11)"
- dense vector for each word type, chosen so that it is good at predicting other words appearing in its context (gets a bit recursive)
- Learning neural network word embeddings
- model p(\text{context} | w_t) = ?
- loss function: J = 1 - p(w_{-t}|w_{t}), w_{-t}, context words that doesn't include word w_t.
- word2vec
- Skip-grams (SG) - predict context words given target center words
- Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) - predict target center word from bag-of-words context words
- 2 training methods
- hierarchical softmax
- negative sampling: tain binary logistic regression for a true pair versus a couple of noice pairs.
- Core ideas of SG prediction
- maximize the prediction of the model p(\text{context} | w_t) = ? for all context words in the form of the cost function J(\theta).
- cost function: $$ J'(\theta) = \prod_{t=1}^T\prod_{\substack{-m \le j \le m\ j \ne 0}} p(w_{t+j}|w_t; \theta) $$
- Negative log likelihood $$ J(\theta) = -\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T\sum_{\substack{-m \le j \le m\ j \ne 0}} \log p(w_{t+j}|w_t) $$
- softmax $$ p(o|c) = \frac{\exp(u_o^T v_c)}{\sum_{w=1}^{v}\exp(u_w^T v_c)} $$
- What's really mean when you say train word2vec model
- optimize the parameter \theta, which is a R^{2\cdot d \cdot V}, d is the word vector dimention, V is the vacabular size, each word is represented by 2 vectors!
- Compute all vector gradients!!!
- Gradient calculation (lecture slides)
Lecture 3 Advanced Word Vector Representations¶
- Compare count based and direct prediction
- count based: LSA, HAL (Lund & Burgess), COALS (Rohde et al), Hellinger-PCA (Lebret & Collobert)
- Fast training
- Efficient usage of statistics
- Primarily used to capture word similarity
- Disproportionate importance given to large counts
- direct prediction: NNLM, HLBL, RNN, Skip-gram/CBOW, (Bengio et al; Collobert & Weston; Huang et al; Mnih & Hinton; Mikolov et al;Mnih & Kavukcuoglu)
- Scales with corpus size
- Inefficient usage of statistics
- Can capture complex patterns beyond word similarity
- Generate improved performance on other tasks
- Combining the best of both worlds: GloVe
- Fast training
- Scalable to huge corpora
- Good performance even with small corpus, and small vectors
- How to evaluate word2vec?
- Intrinsic:
- Evaluation on a specific/intermediate subtask
- Fast to compute
- Helps to understand that system
- Not clear if really helpful unless correlation to real task is established
- Extrinsic:
- Evaluation on a real task
- Can take a long time to compute accuracy
- Unclear if the subsystem is the problem or its interaction or other subsystems
- If replacing exactly one subsystem with another improves accuracy --> Winning!
- Intrinsic:
Assignment 1 (Spring 2019)¶
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a kind of generalized PCA (Principal Components Analysis).
Review materials¶
- Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- cross entropy loss
- max-margin loss
Lecture 4 Word Window Classification and Neural Networks¶
- Window classification: Train softmax classifier by assigning a label to a center word and concatenating all word vectors surrounding it.
- max-margin loss; J(\theta) = \max(0, 1 - s + s_{corrupted}). s is the good part, s_{corrupted} is the bad part, we would like the bad part is smaller than s - 1.
- backpropagation:
- insight: reuse the derivative computed previously
- Hadamard product (\circ, \odot, \otimes)
Lecture 5 Backpropagation (Feb 24, 2019)¶
Details of backpropagation¶
The backprop algorithm is essentially compute the gradient (partial derivative) of the cost function with respect all the parameters, U, W, b, x
With the following setup:
- max-margin cost function: J = \max(0, 1 - s + s_c)
- Scores: s = U^T f(Wx + b), s_c = U^T f(Wx_c + b)
- input: z = Wx + b, hidden: a = f(z), output: s = U^T a
- Derivatives:
- \frac{\partial s}{\partial U} = \frac{\partial}{\partial U} U^T a = a
- wrt one weight W_{ij}: \frac{\partial s}{\partial W_{ij}} = \delta_i x_j, \delta_i = U_i f'(z_i) x_j, where f'(z) = f(z)(1 - f(z)), f(x) is logistic function or sigmoid function.
- wrt all weights W: \frac{\partial s}{\partial W} = \delta x^T
- wrt word vectors x: \frac{\partial s}{\partial x} = W^T\delta